A Place that is Neither Hot nor Cold!

A long time ago a Buddhist monk asked his Master, “When heat and cold come, how can I avoid them?” It was probably a blisteringly hot afternoon or a bitterly cold morning, as the heat (or cold) was too much for the monk to bear.

Now, you may think this question has no relevance to our training today when we have dojo’s with doors and windows to keep out the bitter chills of winter and let in the cool breezes of summer. But read on …

The Master replied, “Why don’t you go to where it’s neither hot or cold?” The monk pondered this question and asked in return, “Where is this place of neither heat nor cold,” disbelieving that such a place could possibly exist. The Master explained, “When it is hot, become one with the heat; when it is cold, become one with the cold. That is the place of no heat or cold.”

As a well known and hugely popular Scottish comedian once remarked, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing.”

We must learn to adapt to the prevailing conditions, regardless of what they might be. When trouble comes our way it’s rarely wrapped in cotton wool. An unwelcome assailant will not allow us the luxury of a 10-minute warm up before we are ready to defend ourselves. Endurance through all elements is essential to survival.

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