The Body is Dead but the Spirit is Alive


Shotokan Karate Technical Seminar with Abe Keigo Shihan, 8th Dan

Abe Sensei with Shihan Majid, Sensei Shahab, Sensei Frank and their students

Shihan Abe with Shihan Majid, Sensei Shahab, Sensei Frank and their students

This was a well attended seminar organized by Goran Sensei of the Shotokan Karate International Federation of New Zealand. We focused on tai-sabaki for kihon practice and kumite, and practiced Bassai Sho. To finish, Abe Sensei helped referee match-style jiyu kumite.

The most remarkable part of this seminar came at the end of class once Abe Sensei had left the dojo floor to get changed. Goran Sensei outlined the details of Abe Sensei’s chronic health issue. This was, without doubt, the most inspirational part of the entire seminar.

Seven years ago Abe Sensei was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, a very virulent form of this devastating disease from which few people survive. After two weeks in hospital, Abe Sensei jumped out his bed. When asked what he was doing, Abe Sensei replied, “I must go and teach karate.”

The title of this post adds weight to previous posts that I have written for you:
Never Complain, Never Explain
Don’t Quit
You Can if You Think You Can

Why? Because when asked how he has managed to survive so long, Abe Sensei replies, “The Body is Dead but the Spirit is Still Alive.”

Abe Sensei is now 74 years old and continues to maintain a punishing global teaching schedule. This year alone he has so far taught in Iraq, New York and New Zealand and now heads off to Rumania, Ireland, Switzerland, England, Nepal, Brazil, Mexico, Oman and India in December.

My point being, bear this story in mind the next time you turn up for karate training with a bag full of ailments to excuse your poor performance.

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