Author Archives: Sensei Frank

The Body is Dead but the Spirit is Alive

SATURDAY 12 MAY 2012, HENDERSON PRIMARY SCHOOL, WEST AUCKLAND Shotokan Karate Technical Seminar with Abe Keigo Shihan, 8th Dan This was a well attended seminar organized by Goran Sensei of the Shotokan Karate International Federation of New Zealand. We focused on tai-sabaki for kihon practice … Continue reading

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Dojo Kun – Refrain from Violent Behaviour

Dojo Kun – literal translation means “training hall rules”. There are five main rules that serve as guiding principles for all who train in the dojo. Although they are usually listed in a set order, no one rule is more … Continue reading

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Flexibility Training

I was asked this question by one of my adult students recently, in relation to taiso, “I need to increase the flexibility in my legs and I appreciate there is no quick solution. I would appreciate any advice, guidance etc?” PROVISO: … Continue reading

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